Paragraph - Eve tesing

Eve Teasing
 Eve teasing is a common word. Eve teasing means teasing a girl or women in a very offensive way. The common teasers are college students, university going student, terrorist and dishonest man. Eve teasing is a euphemism used in Pakistan and Bangladesh for public sexual harassment, street harassment or molestation of women by man. It is proved that eve teasing is a notoriously difficult crime. It is usually occurs in public place, public transport, park and street. It’s has a huge bad effect in our society. As a result some girls dead. The worst sufferers university girl, middle class young women. It is a great shame. Those who tease women are called stalkers. The terrorists are not under control and they want to do what they like. Because of eve teasing many girls have stopped going to school, college and university. Many girls have already committed suicide. If I t be continued our social value will be damaged. Not only government but also media need to take proper steps to prevent eve teasing to build up a beautiful society.
Paragraph - Eve tesing Paragraph - Eve tesing Reviewed by on December 17, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. In my country, the Netherlands, we have this phenomenon of Eve Teasing too!
    One of the major problems it is done mostly by Male with a Muslim backhround! Recently, a few days ago a 16th year old student from Turkish descent, named Humeyra Ergincanli was killed, by shooting by her at the school parkinglot, by her ex-friend Bekir E. also from Turkish descent! Our police has failed in protecting the female student. She already had complained at the police she was threaten to be killed.
    I do not want to be a prejudist or racist, but the criminal statistics showed an over-representation of muslim criminals in these kind of crimes. Also the terrorists threats and actions are committed is most events by muslims. My conclusion ... there is something in the education and culture of muslims that should not be accepted. To name one: the very unequal treatment of woman, socially, juridically and professionally.

    1. Criminial is criminal that doesn't matter which religion he belongs.
      He should be punished. Islam doesn't allow any teaser , any terrorist or racist.


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