Uses and Abuses of Internet - Paragraph

Uses and Abuses of Internet  - Paragraph

Internet is a modern international computer network but it is not an unmixed blessing. Internet is a speedy transmitting system of information with the help of computer and networks. Its functions are smooth, easy and rapid. It is a milestone in the modern world of communication. Many educational institutions are greatly benefited through the use of internet. Through it we find many important information stored in the computer. It plays an effective role in the field of trade and commerce. Internet based e-commerce has become very popular to the customers. Because the customers can buy or choose anything without going to market. Students can go through books from the libraries without going there. In the near future, the students will be able to take their class lecturer from anywhere of the world through internet. But obliviously there are some abuses of internet. Many crimes are being committed through the help of internet, and this is known as cyber crime. Again teen agers are often addicted to internet, and that can ruin their career. Internet has opened up all kinds of indecent and vulgar pictures that have some negative effects on the minds of young people. It is wise for every one of us to utilize the merits of internet and be watchful of its abuse.

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Uses and Abuses of Internet - Paragraph Uses and Abuses of Internet  - Paragraph Reviewed by on April 06, 2020 Rating: 5

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